
This page is a simple and brief quickstart to pytweet!

A Basic PyTweet Client

import pytweet

client = pytweet.Client(
    "Your Bearer Token Here!!!",
    consumer_key="Your consumer_key here",
    consumer_key_secret="Your consumer_key_secret here",
    access_token="Your access_token here",
    access_token_secret="Your access_token_secret here",
#if you dont have one make an application in https://apps.twitter.com

user = client.get_user_by_username("TheGenocides")
print(user.name, user.username, user.id)
# Return The user's name, username, and id

tweet = client.get_tweet(Tweet ID Here)
print(tweet.text, tweet.id, tweet.author.username)
# Return the tweet's text, id, and the author's username.

Name this file pytweet_example.py

Steps to running it

  • Install pytweet, with pip install pytweet

  • Run python3 pytweet_example.py to run it.

Steps in our code

  1. We are importing pytweet using pytweet

  2. We are making our Client instance using client = pytweet.Client(...)

  3. We are fetching a user using client.get_user_by_username

  4. We are printing out the user name and ID

  5. We are fetching a tweet using client.get_tweet

  6. We are printing out the tweet’s text, tweet’s id and the tweet’s author’s name